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Share your favorite Stuckey’s memory! Our guestbook is your opportunity to share those experiences with others.

Just about everybody has a Stuckey‘s story, recalling a time when they took road trips in the family station wagon and found “highway happiness” at one of our stores.

We would love to hear your most fond memories from yesterday or today, and we know others would love to share in your experiences as well. Please take a moment or two and post your comments in our guestbook.

road trip

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598 entries.
Bev & Mike Timmer from Placitas, Nm wrote on April 29, 2024 at 1:12 pm
We remember Stuckeys from the 70s. It was our favorite stop on cross country trips because they made real milkshakes using real ice cream! We could never pass them up.
We remember Stuckeys from the 70s. It was our favorite stop on cross country trips because they made real milkshakes using real ice cream! We could never pass them up.... Collapse
Admin Reply by: Marcos Thomas
Thank you for sharing your story!
Thank you for sharing your story!... Collapse
Rebecca Sturgis-Dyer from Warrensburg wrote on April 28, 2024 at 10:12 am
My grandfather James Stuckey descendant of Jacob Stuckey .. Switzerland heritage .. only child .
My grandfather James Stuckey descendant of Jacob Stuckey .. Switzerland heritage .. only child .... Collapse
Steve Hainsworth from Woodbridge, VA wrote on April 18, 2024 at 1:40 pm
My grandaughter texted asking me if I remember Stuckeys. I said of course. Every trip as a kid had a Stuckeys stop. The CEO was making a presentation at her VA Tech Marketing class and my wife and I were the oldest people she knew...Brat.
My grandaughter texted asking me if I remember Stuckeys. I said of course. Every trip as a kid had a Stuckeys stop. The CEO was making a presentation at her VA Tech Marketing class and my wife and I were the oldest people she knew...Brat.... Collapse
Jessica Diedrick from HOUSTON wrote on April 15, 2024 at 9:55 pm
I took my daughter to a location in Texas because my grandmother's mother was Stella Agnes Stuckey-Yount (f: Joseph Stuckey m: Nellie Stuckey) and wanted to experience a part of family history as well as the past. We even got to flatten a penny in the machine like the old days. We also found license plate like memorabilia with our names.
I took my daughter to a location in Texas because my grandmother's mother was Stella Agnes Stuckey-Yount (f: Joseph Stuckey m: Nellie Stuckey) and wanted to experience a part of family history as well as the past. We even got to flatten a penny in the machine like the old days. We also found license plate like memorabilia with our names.... Collapse
Ed Stuckey, Stuckey Construction Company Inc. from Waukegan, IL wrote on April 15, 2024 at 10:34 am
To Stephanie: We like the brand. We love giving log rolls and sweet treats to our clients. Keep up the good work. The on line ordering works for us. Thanks. Ed Stuckey
To Stephanie: We like the brand. We love giving log rolls and sweet treats to our clients. Keep up the good work. The on line ordering works for us. Thanks. Ed Stuckey... Collapse
Admin Reply by: Marcos Thomas
Thanks for the note! We will pass the message along to Stephanie.
Thanks for the note! We will pass the message along to Stephanie.... Collapse
Tim Gouge from Monrovia, CA wrote on April 14, 2024 at 9:54 pm
Please bring back your Pecan Divinity! It's my favorite "guilty pleasure" and yours was the best. I gave some packages of it as Christmas gifts a few years ago and my friends still rave about it.
Please bring back your Pecan Divinity! It's my favorite "guilty pleasure" and yours was the best. I gave some packages of it as Christmas gifts a few years ago and my friends still rave about it.... Collapse
Shelia Franks from ADAMSVILLE wrote on April 10, 2024 at 10:54 pm
I love Pecan Log Rolls so much from Stuckey's
I love Pecan Log Rolls so much from Stuckey's... Collapse
Max from SE Wisconsin from Elkhorn wrote on April 10, 2024 at 8:38 pm
I remember Stuckey’s from the 60’s - 70’s around the US on our family trips. My Mom liked that the bathrooms were clean, I loved the vending machine with the black and white Scottie magnet dogs. Dad loved the break from us 4 kids. Thanks for the reminder and wonderful family memory.
I remember Stuckey’s from the 60’s - 70’s around the US on our family trips. My Mom liked that the bathrooms were clean, I loved the vending machine with the black and white Scottie magnet dogs. Dad loved the break from us 4 kids. Thanks for the reminder and wonderful family memory.... Collapse
Rhyan from Belleville wrote on April 10, 2024 at 6:33 pm
I have fond memories of Stuckeys Pecan Log Rolls, as it became an annual tradition for my grandparents to bring some back with them to Canada after their vacations down south. I haven't had one in a couple decades now and would love to experience them again. Do you have any plans to make them available in Canada?
I have fond memories of Stuckeys Pecan Log Rolls, as it became an annual tradition for my grandparents to bring some back with them to Canada after their vacations down south. I haven't had one in a couple decades now and would love to experience them again. Do you have any plans to make them available in Canada?... Collapse
Rev. Timothy Polley from Kirksville wrote on April 5, 2024 at 2:35 pm
My day was just made. I received a personal phone call from CEO of Stuckys, Stephanie Stuckey. We spoke of her new book released this week, as well how her rebranding/recharging methods can be used for our brand (Jesus Christ). The word does not change, but how we communicate it and share it does. Stephanie also helped with my Kentucky Grant County Sheriff’s Office Pink Patch Project.
My day was just made. I received a personal phone call from CEO of Stuckys, Stephanie Stuckey. We spoke of her new book released this week, as well how her rebranding/recharging methods can be used for our brand (Jesus Christ). The word does not change, but how we communicate it and share it does. Stephanie also helped with my Kentucky Grant County Sheriff’s Office Pink Patch Project.... Collapse
Linda Short from Warrensburg wrote on April 4, 2024 at 5:36 pm
I remember back in the 1950s when my sister & I were growing up, & we took vacations all over, my dad & mom would stop at Stuckey's for us. I remember the foods served & the gifts we would buy to take home with us to our place & to our relatives. I remember the big lollipop's you all had. WE would always buy them whenever we stopped & took a bathroom break & had lunch or dinner. Since then both our mom & dad has passed away. I am 80 & I am the only child left in... Read more
I remember back in the 1950s when my sister & I were growing up, & we took vacations all over, my dad & mom would stop at Stuckey's for us. I remember the foods served & the gifts we would buy to take home with us to our place & to our relatives. I remember the big lollipop's you all had. WE would always buy them whenever we stopped & took a bathroom break & had lunch or dinner. Since then both our mom & dad has passed away. I am 80 & I am the only child left in the family. My sister passed away last year. How I miss those Good Old Days. I have them in my heart & I always keep them in my heart. I miss stopping at Stuckey's when ever I see your buildings. I remember the Good Times WE ALL HAD on Vacation & ate at Stuckey's & the gifts, & postcards (etc) Keep up the Good work, & PLEASE DO NOT close your doors permanently!!... Collapse
Craig Harrison Miller from Charlotte wrote on April 3, 2024 at 2:08 pm
I love the fact that you are resurrecting this brand. I follow Stephanie on LinkedIn and smile every time I see a post. As a child, our family of 6 would travel from Chicago to Florida to visit both sets of grandparents. 3 in the front, and 3 in the back and no seatbelts. Ha-ha, do not try this today kids. If we did not stop at a Stuckey's as we approached Wiki Wachi Fla and pick up a pecan pie, we were not allowed in my grandparents' house. I always knew we were close when we stopped at Stuckey's.... Read more
I love the fact that you are resurrecting this brand. I follow Stephanie on LinkedIn and smile every time I see a post. As a child, our family of 6 would travel from Chicago to Florida to visit both sets of grandparents. 3 in the front, and 3 in the back and no seatbelts. Ha-ha, do not try this today kids. If we did not stop at a Stuckey's as we approached Wiki Wachi Fla and pick up a pecan pie, we were not allowed in my grandparents' house. I always knew we were close when we stopped at Stuckey's. My father has since past, so your posts and enthusiasm bring back warm memories. Thank you. I am in sales and travel quite a bit. If I can help in any way, please feel free to reach out.... Collapse
Stephen Chapin from Allen, Tx wrote on March 30, 2024 at 8:22 pm
I am watching the movie Gargoyles and what did I see? A Stuckeys sign! It made me think of my kiddy days riding my bike to the one on Hwy 75 between Allen and McKinney to get packs of candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars so we could look like tough guys riding our bicycles! I remember the billboard on Hwy 75 that said "EAT WITH US AND GET GAS"! Still funny to this day.
I am watching the movie Gargoyles and what did I see? A Stuckeys sign! It made me think of my kiddy days riding my bike to the one on Hwy 75 between Allen and McKinney to get packs of candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars so we could look like tough guys riding our bicycles! I remember the billboard on Hwy 75 that said "EAT WITH US AND GET GAS"! Still funny to this day.... Collapse
Penny Hampton from Chatsworth wrote on March 26, 2024 at 1:44 pm
As a young child in the 1960s, we lived in Orlando, Fl, but we would meet my grandparents (who lived in Camilla, GA) and my aunt, uncle, and cousin at the Suwannee River. We would always eat and thoroughly enjoy a lunch of sandwiches wrapped in wax paper and packed in a shoebox, and also fried chicken, all lovingly prepared by my grandmother. After leaving, there was a Stuckey’s close by, and it was always a treat to stop and buy pecan logs and other wonderful goodies there. I fondly remember those times: family, childhood, good food, and Stuckey’s! I... Read more
As a young child in the 1960s, we lived in Orlando, Fl, but we would meet my grandparents (who lived in Camilla, GA) and my aunt, uncle, and cousin at the Suwannee River. We would always eat and thoroughly enjoy a lunch of sandwiches wrapped in wax paper and packed in a shoebox, and also fried chicken, all lovingly prepared by my grandmother. After leaving, there was a Stuckey’s close by, and it was always a treat to stop and buy pecan logs and other wonderful goodies there. I fondly remember those times: family, childhood, good food, and Stuckey’s! I was so happy to read the article about Stuckey’s!... Collapse
Steve Brannen from Richmond Hill wrote on March 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm
I'm So Glad To Hear Stuckeys Is Coming Back! The Stores Are Part Of My Childhood, Growing Up and Traveling Around South Georgia,Florida and South Carolina.The Georgia Farm Bureau Article Was A,Excellent Read! Now, If I Can Just Get One Of Those Blue Hats,With The Red Stuckeys Label!👍🇺🇸
I'm So Glad To Hear Stuckeys Is Coming Back! The Stores Are Part Of My Childhood, Growing Up and Traveling Around South Georgia,Florida and South Carolina.The Georgia Farm Bureau Article Was A,Excellent Read! Now, If I Can Just Get One Of Those Blue Hats,With The Red Stuckeys Label!👍🇺🇸... Collapse